måndag 18 februari 2019

Super Puma(HKP-10) 1/72 Italeri

Well well! I aint much for small scale models. But sometimes I get crazy and actually build some small shit!. This shit happens to be Italeris Super Puma in Swedish costume. This Heli gained a gold place in IPMS Gothenburg "Art In Minature" contest 2018, First place in IPMS 08-Open 2018 And A IPMS Gothenburgs special price in 08-Open 2018, a total of 3 "goldmedals".
Im happy with the result that came out of this model, Many scratched details, cranes and steps, searchlight and other stuff.

Me-163 komet 1/32

The lovely Meng kit of the beautiful komet. I really like this kit despite of its complexity and wing fitting problem. This model won gold at the IPMS Stockholm 08-open 2016 and silver(Special citation) at the IPMS Gothenburg "Art In Miniature" 2016. Painted with gunze and Alclad II.

söndag 17 februari 2019

F-16 Fighting Falcon 1/32

This beauty won gold in IPMS Malmo C4 Open 2016, Won first place in IPMS Art In Miniature Gothenburg contest 2016. I really like this kit. Not just because it is a Tamiya. I used quite amount of Aftermarked stuff in it. Practically everything you can get at the time of the build. The detailing is splendid. PAinted with Gunze and Alclad II.

F-100D 1/32

This model won the first prize in the IPMS contest in Stockholm 2018 and the second place in IPMS "Art In Miniature Gothenburg 2018. .Im pretty happy of the result. I like the Vietnam era with the SEA camouflage.Some artistic freedom with a couple of things. Note the easter egg bomb.

MIG-15 Tamiya 1/48

This is the Tamiya Mig-15. I know what you guys are thinking, "hey! you only build the thirty second scale?", Well sometimes I cheat! It is a nice kit for a casual build when you are tired of being 100% focus on your 32-projects. It builds it self almost. All markings are airbrushed. I tried to replicate a worn warbird. The Model are blackbased and painted with Alclad II in various colors.
Have fun watching the result.